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 :: Paris :: Paris nord :: La Villette
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais]
Kaaëlya "Juju" Sneyk
You can sleep, safe and sound.
Admine bad
PHOTO D'IDENTITE : Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] Huntin12
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] Tumblr_inline_o69celpoUx1rifr4k_500
Are you afraid of me?
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] Tumblr_inline_o69cp3h1Cp1rifr4k_500
“Trust in me…”
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] Tumblr_inline_o69bdypz6c1rifr4k_500
“It’s like YOU said: you can’t trust ANYONE!”
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] Bourre10
ÂGE DU PERSONNAGE : 39 ans (En 2024)
COTE COEUR : La seule, l'unique, la magnifique et la naive : Esméralda <3
OCCUPATION : Chef de la Sécurité au Caison de Quinn & parfois Barman pour dépanner & Chasseuse pour Louis
HUMEUR : Affamée !
PRESENCE/ABSENCE : 4 jours in, 4 jours off. Non disponible présentement.
DOUBLES COMPTES : Balais - Judith - Stram - Maui - Lorelei - Kaa
MON ARRIVÉE : 25/12/2020
POINTS : 104
Dim 17 Jan 2021 - 13:58
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver

Surprenant, cette année il y avait de la neige jusqu'à Paris. Effectivement, dans la matinée, il y avait eu une petite tombée de neige dans tout Paris, envoyant la panique chez les conducteurs et encombrant tous les sujets de conversation de la journée. Dans la journée, Kaa en avait profité pour visiter le studio de danse où elle travaillait Esmée. Celel-ci étant la belle demoiselle qu’elle au regard perçant qu’elle fréquentait depuis presque sept mois et lui apporter un chocolat chaud avec une orchidé, dans une tentative de mettre une sourire sur les lèvres de la jeune femme.

Malgré le fait qu’elles se voyait depuis désormais 7 mois, Kaa ne voulait pas prendre l’autre femelle pour acquis, sachant très bien qu’une belle femme ainsi devait se faire courtiser de manière régulière et qu’elle serait rapidement capable de la remplacer. Une fois sa petite visite au studio terminée, la rousse s’était mise en appel conférence avec le Jolly Roger ou elle travaillait déjà depuis quelques années, mais devait désormais visiter par avion, les portails n'étant plus un option pour elle en direction de New York. Elle devait y faire un tour pour voir avec James, le propriétaire, ses plans pour la semaine pour le bar. Elle voulait aussi prendre un moment pour discuter avec lui des plans des plans

Ensuite elle s’était mise en direction d’un endroit où il lui avait été rapporté par une source que des Disney aurait été aperçu. Elle s'installe à un arrêt d’autobus, proche de l' école dont on lui avait parlé et elle resta là un moment. Il faisait sens de savoir que des Disney avait été aperçu dans ce coin-ci puisque le portail n’était pas trop loin. Il restait à savoir si ceux-ci voyageaient pour Londres ou New York. Cela faisait une dizaine de minute qu’elle se tenait sur place a fixer longtemps les personnes qui attirait son attention, n’ayant pas perdu cette habitude de serpent de fixer les proies pendant un moment qui mettait souvent les humains mal à l'aise en réalité.

Soudainement, son regard se posa sur un adolescent. Il était accompagné d’une adolescente probablement dans les mêmes âges. Un châtain qui semblait trembler de peur simplement en respirant. La rouquine avait l’impression de le connaître, mais elle ne parvenait pas à le remplacer. Elle continua à le fixer et soudainement, après ce qui semblait être une éternité, le garçon la regarda, droit dans les yeux et vit la peur se lire malgré la distance qui les séparait dans son regard et elle se souvint. Oliver. Le gamin qui lui avait echapper des années auparavants…. Elle ne put que le regarder quitter, alors que des automobiles bloquaient la route entre eux et que ce dernier prenait la course...

Codage par Libella sur Graphiorum


« Poor, sweet little cub. »
« Juju Sneak »

Rps en cours ;
Quinn § Am
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Oliver D. DeLoir
Oliver D. DeLoir
broken child
Fantastic Animals
PHOTO D'IDENTITE : Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] A202
DESSIN ANIME D'ORIGINE : Oliver & Compagnie.
COTE COEUR : En couple avec Gram. Première relation maladroite, rongée par l’angoisse et les doutes : est-ce que c’est normal autant de malaise et de retenue ? Et sa main dans celle de son copain, Oliver se surprend parfois à imaginer avoir Rox à ses côtés.
OCCUPATION : Travaille dans un supermarché du centre-ville, artiste anonyme sur internet
LOCALISATION : Quotidien entre deux villes, habite à Paris, vadrouille parfois à New York.
HUMEUR : Anxieux. La tête trop chargée de pensées.
PERSONNALITÉ & CRÉDITS : Avatar : Tarjei Sandvik Moe par mari. Signature par Drake. Icons par StrangeHell.
MON ARRIVÉE : 19/09/2020
POINTS : 452
Lun 5 Avr 2021 - 20:01

histoire d'un traumatisme

@"Stram S. Ragdoll"

tvim.pngIt happened on their way back from school: snow. Oliver couldn’t help but open his palm in the hope of catching one of the snowflakes. “Wow it's snowing!” Oliver loved the cold months of the year just as much as any other. There was beauty in winter, something about its shades perhaps, the way the lack of colour created a sort of harmony. A pretty silvery world.

One shy glance at Stram. A naive Oliver always hoped to find a spark in his friend’s eyes, something that would show him that she too, enjoyed the same sights as him. But the expression on her face was just as cold as the atmosphere. Despite almost three years of friendship, Oliver still often found himself unable to read it.

His thoughts drifted away from this matter, back to his inner self and what had been preoccupying him all day and all week; an upcoming history exam (one he couldn’t fail, not again), Clawd’s obnoxious girlfriend (how she must hate him despite his effort), Lewis’s birthday party (how many people were going to be there?), and of course Rox, always living at the back of his mind.

It’s strange, how a detail can take you back. A sound, a smell, a sight. A face lost in the crowd. Oliver didn’t see her right away. His eyes were too busy jumping carelessly from a car to the other. But everything else seemed to disappear as soon as they landed on a somehow familiar face.

His heart sank.

Oliver still sometime found himself laying on his bed at night, eyes wide opened, horrified with his own memories. Pictures sinking and rotting in his mind. But those feelings of doom and dismay used to fade away with the first sunlights, like shadows afraid of the break of dawn.

It was now here, in broad daylight.
The face that was haunting his nightmares.

It’s her.

It all came back in a rush. Panic fell on him like a dead weight. A hurricane of thoughts impossible to escape. The screams. The pain. The terror. Things which took him years to deaden but only a few seconds to rise again. His hand fell on Stram’s arm as he took a few steps backward, his eyes still trapped on the other side of the road.

She’s there.
Right there.
Staring back.

He didn’t realise how firm his grasp was, how tight he was holding his friend, maybe even hurting her. I have to go. Oliver wanted to utter, but no sound reached his mouth, not even the screams that were echoing in the corner of his skull. Without a word, he left. His pace quickly grew stronger, faster, until it matched the one of his heart.

And so he ran, dashed back into the hotel, the pavement melting beneath his feet. The world was a little blurry. Or was it his eyes? He couldn’t know, didn’t even fully grasped where his frantic steps were leading him. When he finally took notice of his surrounding again, Oliver found himself back into the hotel’s lobby. The world was all blurry. Or was it because of his tears?

Just breathe.

But he was doing it all wrong. His chest grew tight with every breath he took and he soon began gasping for air. As his legs gave up beneath him, he let his back slide against a wall behind him until he sat on the floor. There was something pounding in his ears, the sound of his blood mixed with the thud of his heart and his thoughts. I can’t breathe. I can’t move. I can’t breathe. And there he was, powerless. Everything else faded away. Only fear was left. A life-stifling fear of dying.

Made by Neon Demon, icon by vocivusxx
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Stram Shock
Stram Shock
that online ''friend'' your parents warned you about
Admine bad
PHOTO D'IDENTITE : Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] Thecre10
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] A4615b0e518143e591ed4cffcc8274c8dba7e292
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] Ac395a5b58a770c926afc63b03293c50f3ad231c
Histoire de traumatismes... Ft. Stram & Oliver [Rp en anglais] A0a803442daf313f02b608758a1d9999fb19402a
DESSIN ANIME D'ORIGINE : The nightmare before Christmas
COTE COEUR : La magnifique musicienne qu'elle a stalker pendant 2 ans avant de gagner son cœur. Poppy.
OCCUPATION : Traumatiser les autres enfants.
HUMEUR : Malicious.
COULEUR PAROLE : #99cc66 (Vert)
PRESENCE/ABSENCE : Quand je peux !
DOUBLES COMPTES : STRAM : Balais + Noëlle + Kaa
MON ARRIVÉE : 18/10/2019
POINTS : 217
Mer 10 Nov 2021 - 9:36

L'histoire d'un traumatisme
Ft. Oliver
Stram was glad to be with her best friend, as always. She was smiling (well smiling in her way), talking and all that stuff. She meeted Oliver a while ago and wished she could be with the boy literally every day of her life. Some people might think that it was a romantic type of relation, but Stram just knew that Oliver was the perfect match to make a complete and beautiful friendship with her. A long time ago, while she was looking for Am and Gram she was lucky enough to cross his path and be able to cover a part of the hole the loss of her two best friends had left inside her heart. She knew, right away, when she saw him that they were gonna be good friends. He was the perfect victim and she wanted to be the only one to torment him for eternity, others that tried would have to face her. He was like a Gram, but with the intelligence of Am. Two in one.

Stram would never say that Oliver had replaced her two childhood friends, but he was certainly now part of her closest friend, mostly family. He was the one that helped her through the new life that was “earth” and all that crap. He helped her, by only being in her life, to get over the realisation that maybe she’d never find Am and Gram ever. She knew them when she was eleven in Halloween Town and it was a great time to remember, but Stram had become a new person since then and she was now nineteen. She knew that even if she found them back, Oliver would still be an important part of her life. Oliver and Poppy. Poppy was also now an important part of her life, even if the girl wasn’t really as good as her at remembering her existence… slowly but surely. The only one she wouldn't miss was Rox.

Anyway, it’s because she was enjoying the day and the moment with Oliver so much that It took her a while to realise that it was, in fact, snowing around them. It’s Oliver that told her  “Wow it's snowing!”. Stram wasn’t a fan of snow, it meant that Halloween was really over and autumn. Which was her favorite part of the year. Which reminded her of home, Halloweentown. She looked at Oliver, studying him. Trying to understand what might be going on in his head, to be that happy about snow. It was cold, it was a bright white annoying to the eyes and it was getting clothes and skin wet. It was the one thing about Oliver, Rox and Poppy that she could not understand, the love of winter and christmas. The closest thing to christmas she had seen before arriving in this world, was the Christmas Jack tried to do and this one was already soooo much better than the Christmas here.

But Stram was happy today. She was happy that Oliver was happy. Even though her face was serious, she was glad to be there at the first snow with her best friend, it was better than him seing the first snow with stupid Nox. Stram had never been the best person to show her feelings through facial expression and most people would say that her rare smiles were creepy. So it was with a pretty sober face, studying her best friend, pretty impossible to get what she was feeling. On Oliver's part, it was pretty much always easy to get how he was feeling. He was like an open book.

That’s why she sensed it right away when he went from the happiest stressed kid, to the stressiest stressed kid ever, right beside her. Stram tried to find the reason for that stress by herself, looking if a bully of school was around ? This drunk guy that tried to kidnap Oliver once ? Someone looking creepy ? She looked all around them and found no one that could be of that. If she knew, she would have gone there right away to throw a hand. Nobody messes with Oliver. She felt his arm grab her, which brought back all of her attention to him. Oliver took a few steps backward, making her follow the motion, even though she wanted to go forward and find who or even what was making Oliver stress like this and punch them.

Then, when Stram was gonna ask him what was going on, Oliver left. Running. Shit. Stram almost reached late to follow him, jumping on her feet, running after her best friend. She was tall, for a woman and used to run often when police got them in Urbex or when she was following someone, so she was able to follow him. Oliver was running like she never saw him run. Like his life was depending on this. Then, after a while running, Oliver finally stopped. They were now in a hotel lobby. She went in front of him and tried to get in contact with him, he seemed totally out of it. Not in his right mind. She wasn’t sure he would listen to her.

“Oli, What happened?” She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. Let him space ? Hug him ? Take his hand ? Gosh, human relations was the hardest thing ever, she never knows what’s the good reaction to humans here… Back in Halloween Town, she would have just punched the other kid overreacting screaming at him to calm down, they would have fought and then laugh and end of the story… Here people were so.. .sensible. She then added, trying to get Oliver to focus on her and not whatever was scaring him… but if Oliver needed a hug, she would give him one, as much as she hated human contact, she would for her best friend “breathe, you're with me, nothing can happen to you, I’m the scariest one out here. Focus on me.”

“Breath with me, okay ?” She was pretty sure she saw Mally or Clawd do that one time and it worked… she must try. She then proceeded to breathe slowly and loudly in front of Oliver1, with hand motion of up and down, so he would focus on her and copie that breathing. “Do you wanna hold my hands, do you want me to call Clawd ? Mally ?”

Stram felt like she needed to stop asking questions, maybe she was making things worse, but truth be told, she was herself stressed right now and her reaction to that stress was to ask questions. But she really wanted to help her friend calm down. She wasn’t used to helping him get over his stress, normally she was one of the reasons he would stress and someone else would be there to calm him.
Codage par Libella sur Graphiorum


« I'll always be here for you, »
« even when you don't want me to. »

Rps en cours ;
Poppy § Rox & Oliver § Rox § Ian § Am & Gram
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